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1. Promote more intersectional sustainability
2. Incorporate sustainability themes in dialogues of the future for the university.


ChangeVU aligns with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam's commitment to sustainability leadership globally. We fully endorse VU's initiatives aimed at achieving a net positive impact on the environment and transitioning to a fossil-fuel-free university. Sustainability, in our view, must permeate every aspect of the university's operations, encompassing education, funding decisions, and research endeavors.

ChangeVU emphasizes the need for Intersectional Sustainability to be integrated into education at VU Amsterdam. We advocate for Sustainability to be a central focus in the curriculum across all majors, emphasizing its intrinsic connection with inclusivity and diversity. By promoting Intersectional Sustainability, we aim to highlight the interconnectedness of social justice issues with environmental concerns. We believe that by incorporating this perspective into the educational framework, VU can better equip students to address complex sustainability challenges in a holistic manner.

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